Please contact Farmers State Bank with any questions or concerns you have. We’re here to help you with any issue big or small—and resolutions of customer concerns are our top priority. It’s another way Farmers State Bank is like no other community bank.
Call Us
Phone: (785) 467-3560
Fax: (785) 467-8101
Stop by or write us
Farmers State Bank
412 W Commercial St
Fairview, KS 66425
Lobby Hours
Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed weekends and federal holidays
New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, January 20|
Washington’s Birthday (Presidents Day), Monday, February 17
Memorial Day Monday, May 26
Juneteenth National Independence Day, Thursday, June 19
Independence Day, Friday, July 4
Labor Day, Monday, September 1
Columbus Day Monday, October 13
Veterans Day Tuesday, November 11
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27
Christmas Day Thursday, December 25
*For holidays falling on Saturday, Federal Reserve banks and branches will be open the preceding Friday; however, the Board of Governors will be closed.
**For holidays falling on Sunday, all Federal Reserve offices will be closed the following Monday.